ORDCID number: 0000-0001-7858-8359

Alain Tabbagh received his PhD degree from ‘Université Pierre et Marie Curie’ in Paris in 1971 and his ‘thèse d’état’ in 1977 for his research work in geophysical prospecting for archaeology.
Since 1972 he is teacher-researcher in this university where he was elected professor of applied geophysics in 1988.He has been director of the ‘Centre de Recherches Géophysiques de Garchy’ of the CNRS and director of the UMR7619 ‘Sisyphe’ (UPMC/CNRS/EPHE/ENSMP).
In archaeological and soil science surveying his main areas of interest are electrical and E.M. methods, potential methods and subsurface geothermics.
He is or has been member of ISAP, SEG, AGU, EAGE and RAS international societies and of GMPCA and AFES French societies.
He is now emeritus professor