***MEETING 9 (Hybrid): MC Meeting 9 (Rethymno, 25-26 August 2022)***

***MEETING 8: MC Meeting 8 (Sofia, 11-12 April 2022)***

***MEETING 4 (Online): MC Meeting 4 (1 October 2020)***

***MEETING 3: SAGA Workshop 1 (Prague, Czech Republic, 30 Sep-1 Oct 2019)***

*** MEETING 1: 1st MC Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, 26 October 2018)***

*** MEETING 2: Brainstorming Meeting, 1st Joint WG Meeting & 2nd MC Meeting (Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 4-6 March 2019)***
Welcome to the COST Action SAGA (CA17131) website
The Soil Science & Archaeo-geophysics Alliance: going beyond prospection