Meeting 9 (25-26/08 2022, Rethymno)
Call for Participation
Hybrid Joint Meeting (SAGATHON 3 + MC Meeting 9)


The main goal of this activity is to significantly increase the number (and country representation) of entries for the different sections of the database (Equipment, Sites, Environmental Data Sources, Methods, and Funding Sources) and ensure good data quality.

It is very important that we have a properly populated database before we make it public before the end of this Grant Period. Therefore, we ask all our SAGA Members to make efforts to contribute to this event (or part of it). We have arranged a flexible participation and programme of activities so Members can join us at any point during the two days.

In particular, we expect to increase entries in the Equipment, Sites and Environmental Data Sources sections from each SAGA country member.


Please log into the database, test it, and provide feedback (if needed):

Following the doodle poll, first round of in-person e-cost invitations, and review of the budget, there are some funds remaining to support additional colleagues to join us in Rethymno (if interested, please contact the Chair ASAP and before 19/07/22). Soon, all Members will receive an official e-cost invitation to participate in this meeting online. The final attendance list to submit to COST will be based on the attendance registration reported in Zoom (online participants) + daily signed attendance list (in-person participants).

We encourage SAGA members to contact other institutions/colleagues from their respective countries to collect information and provide database entries. Please remember that entering info here does not involve any obligation, the aim is only to map resources to facilitate research activities and collaborations as stated in the MoU.


There will be a general information session (see programme) but online participants will be able to join the event at any point during the two days at the established slots to interact with the participants in Rethymno and/or ask questions to the Facilitators.
In the case of the Equipment-Description sub-section, please follow the guidelines provided for GPR and EM in the sub-section. We would very much welcome other similar guidelines we could add in this sub-section to describe instruments related to other methods.

MC Meeting 9
After the SAGATHON 3 on DAY 2, we will start the Management Committee Meeting 9 at 16:30.